Active bonding at the Amazing Race 2022

In October 2022, the SMU WOW (Work on Wellness, Wellness at Work) Committee held its ninth Amazing Race for staff and faculty members. The biannual event was a chance to bring the community closer together and build team cohesion. 

After a two-year absence due to the pandemic, the adrenaline-filled event finally returned and was held around the National Stadium — a venue that was revealed only on the day of the race. Over 160 participants came out to enjoy the festivities which included fun physical challenges as well as teamwork activities. 

One of the tests of teamwork next to the National Stadium
Designed for members of SMU to experience and embody the CIRCLE Values — Commitment, Integrity, Responsibility, Collegiality, Leadership, and Excellence — the carefully crafted activities challenged participants to embrace diversity, inclusion and a spirit of collaboration. The engaging tasks not only build trust between team members, but also empower individuals to perform at their highest potential. 
Collaboration put to the test: to write with a pen tied with a network of string

Teams with a mix of administrative staff and academic officers had the opportunity to receive points through a series of challenges, illustrating the importance put upon both groups in this university's holistic approach to excellence. By fostering the skills each individual needs to be successful — resulting in strong leaders and teams — SMU encourages everyone to maintain its CIRCLE Values. 

“The Amazing Race provided the opportunity to work together as a team, as we complemented one another’s strengths to complete each task,” said Office of Student Life representative and winning team member Aaron Tan, Manager, Sports & Adventure.

The winning team, Siao Lang 1 (left to right): Chloe Man, Aloysius Koh, Aaron Tan and Wee E-Chiin

The race began with teams of four having to complete several checkpoints, where they were required to solve puzzles and or physical challenges in order to proceed onto the next checkpoint. Participants were awarded points by the number of stations and tasks completed, as well as bonus points for successfully completing a string of tasks that formed a “bingo line”.

Not all activities involved brains and brawn, however. One of the stations simply required teams to photograph themselves enjoying the local dessert cheng tng at the nearby Old Airport Road Food Centre; while another revolved around shooting a TikTok dance video. 

“Since Covid-19, we have not had such real interaction, thus I thought it would be great to have some fun together,” said Chloe Man, Manager, Student Leadership. 

“Lots were drawn in the picking of teams, and when I got to know my team members, I started to break into cold sweat as they were all out to win the race! It all worked out in the end.”

Since 2009, WOW has driven SMU's employee health and wellness movement, consistently providing employees with activities tailored to their needs and leveraging the Workplace Health Promotion Programme (WHPP) components. Its goal is to build an ethos of healthy living by helping the organisation to win the biennial Singapore H.E.A.L.T.H Award — a long-term vision supported by a range of activities that are holistic, targeted and sustainable. By implementing unexpected experiences that involve employees in healthy pursuits, the WOW Committee seeks to make significant strides towards providing a truly engaging corporate culture.

For fourth-time Amazing Race participant and winning team member Wee E-Chiing, the event brought out the strengths of individual players and allowed colleagues to take on roles that may have differed from that of their job scopes.

“As it was a challenge to read without my reading glasses, I left all the reading to my lovely, younger teammates,” says the Senior Manager, Arts, with a chuckle.

“As the senior staff in the office, I tend to take the lead in corporate projects. But for this race, I decided to take a back seat, and I am glad that I did. Being a ‘follower’ allowed me to see and learn more about my team mates’ working styles and decision-making processes.” 

The SMU Amazing Race far exceeded expectations as the dynamic event made a much-anticipated comeback. Every team pulled out all the stops in their efforts and surpassed what was thought possible. Notably, it highlighted how far the race has come over its lifetime and showcased the best of what being part of the SMU community truly means. From camaraderie and contest to appreciation for and respect of one another, this successful event served up an unforgettable experience that is sure to be remembered for years to come.

“My colleagues encouraged me to participate with them through their sharing of experiences with the past editions of the SMU WOW Amazing Race,” said winning team member Aloysius Koh, Manager, Sports & Adventure; who participated for the first time. 

“It was a refreshing experience as we do not often get such opportunities to interact at such an informal context. It was very fulfilling to have the four of us work towards a common goal, while having the bandwidth to chat casually along the way.”

Do look out for more such exciting SMU WOW activities and join in the fun.

Employees can view a video and photos of the race on the SMU WOW website, here.

SMU President Professor Lily Kong and SmooSmoo (both centre front) with members of senior management, the organisers and participants after the awards party