Celebrating togetherness: SMU Family Day 2023

SMU Family Day is more than just another corporate event; it's a celebration of the vibrant community that makes up the University. On 25 November 2023, the event took place at Universal Studios Singapore, offering an exciting departure from the virtual format of the previous iteration.

"The planning for FD 2023 commenced a year ago, reflecting its unique significance as a departure from the virtual Family Day held in 2021," explained Eunice Loke, Assistant Director at Dato’ Kho Hui Meng Career Centre, who played a key role in organising the event.

“Choosing Universal Studios Singapore as the venue was strategic, catering to a diverse range of interests and ensuring a memorable experience for all attendees.”

The seamless flow of events from start to finish was no happy accident but the result of deliberate and thoughtful organisation. The meticulous thought behind this successful day was a testament to the commitment of the SMU community.

Taking place biennially, Family Day weaves professional camaraderie with the joy of family bonds, providing a unique opportunity for the SMU family to merge their work and personal worlds in a day of collective celebration.

"It's a lovely way to show my kids a bit about my work life and have them meet some of the people they hear me talk about," said Roma Goodlander, Client Director at SMU Executive Development. Her words echoed the sentiments of many who found joy in introducing their families to their colleagues and friends from SMU.

The move from virtual meet-ups to in-person events for SMU Family Day also highlighted a welcomed return to face-to-face interactions. The tangible presence of colleagues and family members offered a different quality of experience that virtual events could not capture.

Simple pleasures, such as shared meals and laughter during activities, reinforced the value of face-to-face contact. This shift reaffirmed the community's preference for personal engagement, where the nuances of conversation and group dynamics play a critical role in fostering a sense of belonging and unity within the SMU family.

As Jason Tan, Senior Manager of Integrated Communications, emphasised: “Family Day events play a significant role in fostering a stronger sense of the oneSMU spirit.”

Saw Lay Tee, Senior Manager of Management Reporting, also shared the sentiment, focusing on how the event showcased SMU's care for its community.

"SMU Family Day demonstrates how SMU cares for every employee including their family," she noted. The event was more than just a day of fun; it was a reflection of the university's commitment to its staff and their loved ones.

The event's success was further evidenced by the significant turnout — organisers doubled attendance at this year’s event from its last rendition in 2021. The joy of reconnecting in person after a year of virtual meetings was palpable, underscoring the importance of such gatherings in building and maintaining a strong community.

As Daniel Mack, Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, elaborated: “As a faculty member, I think we tend to work long hours even at home, and we tend to put off time and activities with family; but events like Family Day really nudges us to mark our calendar and make time and space for family activities.”

New elements added to this year's Family Day further enhanced the experience. The inclusion of extra gifts for families participating in stage games and the excitement of the lucky draw segment contributed to the festive atmosphere.

“Family Day provides an opportunity for employees to spend quality time with their families, strengthening relationships and fostering a sense of belonging,” said Aung Pyi Sone, Manager, Technology Solutions Team Integrated Information Technology Services.

“When organisations invest in events like Family Day, it demonstrates a genuine appreciation of their employees' dedication and hard work. I believe this recognition contributes to a positive work environment.”

Activities such as SMU TikTok Dance Challenge, a crowd favourite, where staff and their families showcased their dance moves, ensured that everyone in attendance had a memorable and enjoyable experience.

Reflecting on the impact of the event, Roma highlighted its importance in making higher education seem more accessible and familiar to her former foster children — whom she had invited to Family Day.

“It's lovely to meet all the kids that you hear your colleagues talk about, especially the babies that you've ‘known’ since they were in the bellies of your colleagues and are now walking and talking humans,” she candidly remarked.

Paulin Straughan, Dean of Students and Professor of Sociology, mirrored this sentiment on the importance of family day. “Family Day breaks down the barrier between work and family. It is very nice for our families to meet our colleagues, and for us to see our colleagues in their familiar roles of child or parent,” she reflected.

“Knowing that SMU cares for us and values our families – that is a big deal.”

Looking to the future, Jason suggested more innovative ideas for upcoming family days, proposing unique venues like cruise trips to reflect a desire to continuously evolve and enhance these gatherings, making each one more memorable than the last.