Cristina Red Elaurza
Office of Business Improvement
What made you decide to join the Singapore Management University?
I actually enjoyed the interview! The people who interviewed me were warm and friendly. Aside from SMU’s good reputation, the immediate collegiality that I experienced made me look forward to being a part of the SMU family.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
My job has always entailed working well with people. Building effective working relationships is what I enjoy the most.
Tell us about your favourite place on campus and why.
I love our Library – my favourite spot is at level 2, the area facing Campus Green. I would go there if I really need to focus and complete a deliverable.
How has SMU enriched your life?
Once in a while, some of my colleagues and I would join community service events organised by SMU students (e.g. SMU Habitat for Humanity) or staff/alumni (i.e. their personal volunteer work). This allows me to work with people from all walks of life. It simply made me a better person.
What would you say to someone considering applying to the Singapore Management University?
SMU is filled with passionate people, people committed to making a difference in our students’ lives, the community and society at large. Know what SMU is about, embody its set of values and be generous in sharing your talent. In return, you'll reap the benefits of working in such a dynamic environment.