Pasha L. Hsieh

Professor of Law
Yong Pung How School of Law

What made you decide to join the Singapore Management University?

My research focuses on ASEAN and free trade agreements and this made Singapore a great option. The interview and hiring process was also smooth and said a lot about the efficiency and care with faculty matters.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The time flexibility in carrying out research as research can be a very I enjoy writing and it is highly rewarding when to have my research published.

What is it about Singapore that delights you?

Efficiency & safety.

What do you think SMU does best and why?

Good research support & funding. Having a research term that allows me to go to overseas conferences and to focus on writing

What is the most important learning you have acquired while at SMU?

The interactions with very good colleagues and students.

What would you say to someone considering applying to the Singapore Management University?

Asia is the future, and SMU produces students and research for the future!